Author Profiles

Here is a list of authors I've had the pleasure of speaking to. They have told me about their works and the inspirations behind them. After you've read about them, do yourself a favor and get their book(s). You'll be glad you did, and you just may find a new favorite book or author!

Heidi Schauster, MS, RD, CEDS-S, SEP

Heidi is a nutrition therapist and Somatic Experiencing (SE)™ Practitioner from Arlington, Massachusetts. As a professional, she works in both individual and group settings. Heidi is the author of two books, "Nourish", and "Nurture: How to Raise Kids who Love Food, their Bodies, and Themselves". She spoke at "The Last Word" in Boston where she shed some light on "Nurture" and talked about her work and the challenges she faces. Click here to read more.

Rachel Silber Devlin

Rachel is the daughter of the late John Silber. She has written "Snapshots of my Father John Silber" about growing up with him and his time as president of Boston University. She gave a talk at the Needham Public Library to discuss the book. Click here to read more.


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