
Showing posts with the label Books about Time Travel

"The Other Me" by Kerry Keene

Photo: 154 pages; published by Rosedog Books , ©2024 Time travel is a subject that has fascinated people for decades. The idea of going back into history or forward into the future has long been the subject of books, television, and movies for a long time. When the idea of going to a different time is explored, it usually comes with the caveat to not interfere with events, so the course of history is not affected. The Other Me In Kerry Keene's  "The Other Me" , the idea of time travel is discussed by Darrell Duplissey, a mental health aide at North View Lodge, and one of the hospital's patients. Darrell goes to work on November 22, his 50th birthday, and life has not been anything near what he had expected or hoped. Before his shift begins, Darrell sits in his car and ponders his existence, his work, and his unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Darrell Duplissey's Unfulfilled Life It hasn't been an ideal life for Darrell. What was and what could ...