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"Rocks" by Joe Perry with David Ritz

416 pages; Published by Simon & Schuster ©2014 Anyone who knows guitars knows Joe Perry . The slender, string-bending virtuoso who was born and raised in Massachusetts has stories to tell from his life on the road, in the studio and all the places in between. It's a safe bet to say the number of stories equals the number of songs written in and out of Aerosmith, his best known sample of work. Perry teamed up with writer David Ritz to write "Rocks: My Life in and out of Aerosmith". Perry's effort gives him a chance to tell his side of things alone, unlike 1997's "Walk this Way" which told of the band's history with input from all of the band's original members. The book's title takes its name from Aerosmith's fourth studio release, considered by many to be one of the best offerings from their catalogue, if not the best. Perry begins his tale in New Hampshire where a story takes the reader into the water. It's an episode he barely